Xin chào các bạn! Hiện nay, hầu hết ở tất cả các thành phố đều có những trung tâm dạy tiếng Anh, chất lượng dạy tốt, đủ điều kiện vật chất, nhưng không phải bạn nào cũng có đủ điều kiện để học ở những trung tâm đó. Ngoài ra, lý do mà các bạn đi học là do bố, mẹ yêu cầu chứ không do tự nguyện nên sẽ học không nghiêm túc. Vì thế, hôm nay mình sẽ giới thiệu với các bạn một bài học rất hay, đó là phát âm “R” trong tiếng anh. Chúng ta cùng bắt đầu bài học về luyện phát âm tiếng Anh chuẩn cùng Ms Hoa.
Nội dung Video Luyện Phát Âm Tiếng Anh Chuẩn Cùng Ms Hoa - Cách phát âm /r/ trong Tiếng anh
Hello guys, How are you today? I hope you are all doing well and are ready for a new Lesson of Pronunciation with me. As usual, I’m going to give you a phrase that is commonly used it daily conversation. When you meet someone, what is the first thing you stay to them? Let’s wait until the end of this Lesson, I’m going to show you! How to pronounce it correctly.
Yesterday, when I was teaching in my class. One of my students said a word (resolve). Do you know what word he was trying to say? Most of you would think of “result” right? But actually, he meant to say “resolve” but forgot the ending sound /v/. So, none of his friends was able to understand him. You can see a mistake in pronunciation may cause difficulty in communication because a word pronounced wrongly can be mistaken for another word with completely different meaning. So, I’m here to help you improve your Pronunciation skills. Let’s look at on lesson today!
Cách phát âm /r/ trong tiếng Anh |
The “r” consonant is one of the most difficult sounds to pronounce in English, but also one of the most popular. So if you can manage to pronounce this sound correctly, your pronunciation will be significantly improved! Today, we’re going to look at the “r” consonant at the beginning, the middle and the end of words, just like the ones that you see on the screen
As you can see on thr screen, when you pronounce this sound, the most important thing to remember is to pull your tongue backward and the front part your tongue will be raised /r/. Now let’s look at the “r” consonant at the beginning of words. One tip to pronounce this sound more easily is to start with the tight arounded lips just like in the /u:/ sound. And then you start to pull your tongue inward /r/ /r/ /r/.
- Ex: Ring, Room, Rice, Rest, Random, Running, Romantic.
Now let’s try some more difficult words with the “r” blends which is a cluster of two sounds. Remember that when you pronounce this sound, the “r” consonant will always be the stronger one.
- Ex: Print, Crack, Bring, Great, Tree.
Listen again, this is not the strong “tr” in Vietnamese, it’s completely difference!
- Ex: Waitress, Impress, Betray.
What about /r/ consonant in the middle of words. My remider to you is never to rush. Take you time to produce this sound slowly and correctly. Start with /u:/ then pull your tongue backward. Now let’s practice!
- Ex: Very – Zero, Arrive – Berry, Caring – Erase.
Luyện phát âm /r/ |
Now, the hardest part - /r/ at the end of words. Vietnamese students tend to make mistake by swallowing the /r/ ending sound, because the Vietnamese never has any ending sounds. But English is totally different. And in order to speak like an American, you need to maintain a very strong /r/ sound at the end of words. Listen and repeat after me.
- Ex: Car – Star, Door –Turn, Under – Paper, Understand.
Now let’s go back to the phrase at the beginning. When you meet someone. You can ask them.
- Ex: How are you? How’re you doing?
Usually, we would response by saying “I’m fine, thank you!” or you can just say “Not bad”, or “Just fine” if it is normal day. But if you are having a really good day, then you can say “I’m great. Thank you!”
Now I hope you can pronounce the /r/ sound correctly whether it is at the beginning, the middle or the end of words. I hope you enjoy spending your time with me. Good bye! See you next time!
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học luyện phát âm Tiếng Anh chuẩn cùng Ms Hoa ngày hôm nay, mình thấy rất hay. Mong rằng các bạn sẽ luyện tập thật nghiêm túc bài học này lại nhiều lần để hỗ trợ một phần nào đó trong phát âm Tiếng anh.
Mọi thắc mắc hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi – nhóm dịch thuật Tiếng anh chuyên ngành thuộc công ty dịch thuật giá rẻ Việt Uy Tín. Chúng mình sẽ sẵn sàng giải đáp thắc mắc, cũng như những yêu cầu của các bạn liên quan đến bài học. Chúc các bạn học tập tốt và thành công!
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